The benefits of wool felting
As a creative process, wool felting offers all the advantages of an artistic activity in addition to specific characteristics due to the versatility of the material.
And if that were not enough, wool felting offers specific benefits for each age...
0-5 years old

6-11 years old

12-18 years old

... and for each state of mind.

a material that offers endless possibilities

a process that facilitates relajación

an ideal activity to connect

to concentrate and maintain motor skills
In summary, wool felting:
Is a simple process that anyone can practice.
Allows you to focus your mind on the present which requires concentration and precision (in the case of needle felting).
Helps you relax as it is a slow process. Patience allows us to immerse ourselves in what we do and reach a state of serenity.
Alows you to flow in your creative process. Creating with wool offers an infinite amount of possibilities for results. You can explore, test, play, go back, change course...